Bridging the Generation Gap in the Face of the Talent Cliff

Bridging the Generation Gap in the Face of the Talent Cliff

Bridging the Generation Gap in the Face of the Talent Cliff. More and more baby boomers are retiring. Generation X is increasingly occupying leadership and managerial positions. Generation Y or millennials are increasingly dominant in the workforce. Generation Z is starting to enter the workforce. Under these conditions, organizations have the potential to experience what […]

Generasi Baby Boomers hingga Gen Z : Cracking the Work Love Language

Generasi Baby Boomers hingga Gen Z : Cracking the Work Love Language

Ada sekitar empat generasi yang bekerja di dunia kerja saat ini baby boomer, Generasi X, generasi milenial dan Generasi Z. Melibatkan setiap generasi karyawan bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Dan memang benar bahwa setiap generasi memiliki perbedaan dalam hal keinginan dan motivasi. Pada kesempatan ini Jakarta Consulting Group mengadakan webinar Engaging Boomers to Gen Z: Cracking […]