If Employees Become Content Creators on the Side

If Employees Become Content Creators on the Side

If Employees Become Content Creators on the Side. Employees who have side jobs are common. What’s more in today’s era of technological advances, side jobs are easier to do. Time and place are no longer an obstacle. One type of job that is on the rise is content creator. Many employees are pursuing it as […]

Peran Headhunter Pasca-PHK Massal

Peran Headhunter Pasca-PHK Massal

Peran Headhunter Pasca-PHK Massal. Dalam lima tahun terakhir, PHK massal banyak terjadi. Dimulai dari pandemi Covid-19 yang memporak-porandakan nyaris semua sendi kehidupan. Berakhirnya pandemi tidak lantas membuat PHK massal berhenti. Ketegangan geopolitik, restrukturisasi, serta perubahan teknologi dan pasar membuat PHK massal berlanjut akibat melambatnya ekonomi. PHK massal berdampak tidak hanya bagi karyawan, tetapi perusahaan. Inovasi […]

PHK Massal 2024: Bagaimanakah dengan 2025?

PHK Massal 2024: Bagaimanakah dengan 2025?

PHK Massal 2024: Bagaimanakah dengan 2025? Tahun 2024 bolehlah dibilang tahun PHK massal. Pasalnya, berbagai industri melakukannya. Kondisi ini terjadi di banyak belahan dunia. Mengutip cnnindonesia.com, hingga Agustus 2024 paling tidak ada 11 raksasa bisnis dunia yang melakukan PHK massal, yaitu Amazon, Apple, Zoom, Google, Citigroup, Sony, Microsoft, Cisco, Mastercard, General Motors, dan Go Pro. […]

Promosi Senyap: Siap-Siap Termotivasi atau Terdemotivasi?

Promosi Senyap: Siap-Siap Termotivasi atau Terdemotivasi?

Promosi Senyap: Siap-Siap Termotivasi atau Terdemotivasi? Anda tiba-tiba diberi tanggung jawab yang belum pernah diterima sebelumnya. Artinya, pekerjaan anda bertambah. Namun, jabatan anda tidak berubah. Gaji juga tidak naik. Pernahkah Anda mengalami yang demikian itu? Itulah yang namanya promosi senyap atau quiet promotion. Meski mengandung kata promosi, kenyataannya tidak seperti yang dibayangkan. Tidak semua orang […]

Superstar Employees: Asset or Liability?

Superstar Employees: Asset or Liability?

Superstar Employees: Asset or Liability? Among employees, there are some who have above-average skills. Not just that. They are willing to sacrifice their energy, thoughts, and time for the company. Their hard work is not in vain because of them, the company is respected. These are the superstar employees. Superstars seem irreplaceable. What do they […]

Role Transformation of Recruiters: From Headhunter to Growth Partner

Role Transformation of Recruiters: From Headhunter to Growth Partner

Role Transformation of Recruiters: From Headhunter to Growth Partner. The role of recruiters has changed significantly in the last few decades. In the past, a recruiter’s job was limited to finding and recruiting candidates to fill vacant positions. In other words, recruiters simply acted as headhunters. But now, their role has become broader and more […]

Covert Job Offer: Tawaran Kerja Tersembunyi di Dunia Profesional

Covert Job Offer: Tawaran Kerja Tersembunyi di Dunia Profesional

Covert Job Offer: Tawaran Kerja Tersembunyi di Dunia Profesional. Pernahkah anda tiba-tiba mendapatkan tawaran bekerja dari sebuah perusahaan, padahal anda tidak pernah melamar ke perusahaan tersebut? Jangankan melamar, melihat iklannya saja anda tidak pernah. Inilah yang disebut tawaran kerja terselubung atau Covert Job Offer. Ini adalah kebalikan dari tawaran kerja terbuka, yang biasanya diiklankan dan […]

Cultural Fit vs. Skill Sets: Choosing the Right Candidate for Local Entrepreneurs

Cultural Fit vs. Skill Sets: Memilih Kandidat yang Tepat untuk Pengusaha Lokal

Cultural Fit vs. Skill Sets: Choosing the Right Candidate for Local Entrepreneurs. Mr. Doni is a well-known restaurant owner in an area. People are attracted to his restaurant because of the local cultural nuances it carries. Starting from the food, the dress style of waiters and employees, building design, background music, and so on. In […]

After Deciding to Resign

After Deciding to Resign

After Deciding to Resign. As an inspiring figure, the founder of an organization is always in the limelight. They also determine the direction of the organization’s development. But, of course, he cannot lead forever. There comes a time when he must resign. The reasons can vary. From personal reasons, the organization’s need for regeneration, or […]