Pros and Cons of Side Hustle for Young Generations in Family Businesses

Pros Cons of Side Hustle

Pros and Cons of Side Hustle for Young Generations – In a family business, it is common to find the younger generation working on personal projects or businesses that are not related to the family business or side hustles. Why do they do it? Presumably, the main factor is the digital revolution, which makes things […]

Legacy and Loyalty: Recruitment to Ensure Family Business Sustainability

Legacy and Loyalty: Recruitment to Ensure Family Business Sustainability

Legacy and Loyalty : Recruitment to Ensure Family Business Sustainability. Legacy is what is passed on from predecessors to the next generation. In the context of a family business, what stands out from a legacy are the values, culture, vision, and mission that are passed down from one generation to another. It is this legacy […]

Pro Kontra Side Hustle Generai Muda Bisnis Keluarga

Pros Cons of Side Hustle

Pro Kontra Side Hustle Generai Muda Bisnis Keluarga. Dalam bisnis keluarga, banyak dijumpai generasi muda mengerjakan proyek atau bisnis pribadi yang tidak terkait bisnis keluarga atau side hustle. Mengapa mereka melakukannya? Agaknya, faktor utamanya adalah revolusi digital, yang membuat segala sesuatunya lebih mudah. Termasuk dalam memperoleh sumber daya, pengetahuan, dan akses pasar. Hal ini berkat […]

Mengatasi Silent Resignation dalam Bisnis Keluarga

Mengatasi Silent Resignation dalam Bisnis Keluarga

Mengatasi Silent Resignation dalam Bisnis Keluarga. Ternyata, pengunduran diri senyap atau silent resignation (istilah lain dari quiet quitting) juga dapat menimpa bisnis keluarga. Khusus hal ini, fokus perhatian ditujukan pada generasi penerus. Mari sedikit berkilas balik tentang makna pengunduran diri senyap. Istilah ini bermakna fenomena karyawan yang meski secara fisik tetap bekerja di perusahaanya saat […]

Pemimpin Bayangan dalam Bisnis keluarga

Pemimpin Bayangan dalam Bisnis keluarga

Pemimpin Bayangan dalam Bisnis keluarga. Bisnis keluarga menjadi tulang punggung ekonomi banyak negara, baik negara maju maupun negara berkembang. Perpaduan antara eratnya hubungan keluarga dengan hebatnya strategi bisnis menghasilkan dinamika yang berujung pada kesuksesan yang luar biasa. Tak terhitung banyaknya produk inovatif yang lahir dari bisnis keluarga. Keberhasilan ini tak bisa dilepaskan dari faktor kepemimpinan, […]

Bisnis Keluarga : Kopi Torabika, Produk Mayora yang Mendunia

Bisnis Keluarga : Kopi Torabika, Produk Mayora yang Mendunia

Bisnis Keluarga Kopi Torabika : Produk Mayora yang Mendunia. Masyarakat Indonesia, dari berbagai lapisan, sangat akrab dengan kopi. Salah satu merek kopi yang sangat populer adalah Torabika. Ternyata, merek ini memiliki sejarah panjang. Penikmat kopi paham betul cita rasa Torabika. Seperti dikutip dari, perjalanan Torabika dimulai pada 1990, sekitar tiga setengah dekade yang lalu. […]

Selling the Family Business : Between Financial and Emotional Considerations

Selling the Family Business : Between Financial and Emotional Considerations

Selling the Family Business : Between Financial and Emotional Considerations. Recently, PepsiCo has agreed to acquire Siete Family Foods (Siete) for USD 1.2 billion. Siete is a family business headquartered in Austin, Texas, United States (US). Siete was founded by seven members of the Garza family (Siete is Spanish for seven). Siete originally sold almond […]

Inspiring Stories of Local Entrepreneurs Bolu Meranti : The Medan Souvenir that’s Always on Your Mind

Inspiring Stories of Local Entrepreneurs Bolu Meranti : The Medan Souvenir that's Always on Your Mind

Inspiring Stories of Local Entrepreneurs Bolu Meranti : The Medan Souvenir that’s Always on Your Mind. “Don’t Leave Medan City Without an Impression.” “Without Bolu Meranti.” The most popular souvenir from Medan/” This is what is written on the Bolu Meranti website, Indeed, despite originating from Medan, the name Bolu Meranti is well-known throughout […]

Family Business Successor:Heirs or Trailblazers?

Family Business Successor:Heirs or Trailblazers

Family Business Successor:Heirs or Trailblazers? Guardians of tradition or drivers of change? This is the question that seems to arise regarding the successor of a family business. On the one hand, successors are often cautioned to maintain tradition because it has proven its efficacy: the family business has successfully grown. But on the other hand, […]