FIRE Movement: Strategi Finansial agar Bisa “Pensiun” di Usia Muda

FIRE Movement

Ingin pensiun di usia 40-an, bahkan 30-an? Keinginan ini menjadi obsesi bagi banyak orang yang mengikuti FIRE Movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early). FIRE adalah strategi finansial yang bertujuan mencapai kebebasan finansial lebih awal dibandingkan dengan usia pensiun konvensional (biasanya antara usia 55-65 tahun, bahkan mungkin lebih tua). Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir gerakan ini makin dikenal […]

Success Story of Local Entrepreneurs: Naikilah Perusahaan Minang Survives the Changes

kisah sukses

There are many inspiring success story of local Indonesian entrepreneurs, one of which is PT Naikilah Perusahaan Minang (abbreviated as NPM). NPM is a land passenger transportation bus company originating from Padang Panjang City, West Sumatra. NPM is the oldest bus company in Indonesia that is still operating today. The bus company was founded on […]

Post-Truth and Echo Chamber in Leadership Decisions


Today, disinformation spreads fast. Opinions, even if they are false, are more trusted and believed to be true than facts. In this situation, leaders face tough challenges, namely navigating the post-truth environment and overcoming echo chambers. Decisions made by leaders are expected to be rational, based on correct, accurate and complete information. Thus, the organization […]

Digital Emotional Intelligence:The Main Soft Skills of Today’s Leaders

Soft Skill

In the digital era, leaders must have digital emotional intelligence soft skills. What is it? Leaders must be able to understand, manage and express emotions effectively in a digital environment. Digital emotional intelligence combines the principles of traditional emotional intelligence with the challenges and opportunities of the digital world. Nowadays, leaders not only interact with […]

Green Flag vs. Red Flag Leader: Are You the Leader the Team Wants?

Green Flag

Many people still think that leadership is synonymous with titles and positions. Titles and positions are important, but they are not the most important thing. The most important things are influence, vision, and the ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal. The success and failure of a team or organization is largely […]

Overcoming Overwork Hero for a Healthier and More Productive Team

Overwork Hero

Working late into the night, even into the early hours of the morning; joining in on other people’s tasks; not caring about rest time, as long as the project is completed quickly. But the results are not worth the sacrifice. If in a leadership position, reluctant to delegate work and responsibilities to others. Have you […]

Exploring the Leadership Values of the Minangkabau Tribe

suku minangkabau

The Minangkabau tribe has distinctive customs and culture. This includes in terms of leadership. The Minangkabau tribe’s leadership system is rooted in Islamic philosophy, customs, and teachings. This system can be an inspiration for leaders everywhere. The people of the Minangkabau tribe played an important role in the struggle for independence of the Republic of […]

Digital Detox for Leaders: Reducing Dependence on Technology

digital detox

Digital detoxification, or digital detox, is a need that is often overlooked in the modern era. Today, humans are hit by a wave of endless notifications and information, from emails, text messages, and social media. On the one hand, technological advances have made communication easier, faster, and limitless. All activities have become more effective and […]

Green Flag vs Red Flag Leader: Apakah Anda Pemimpin yang Dicari Tim?

Green Flag

Banyak orang masih menganggap kepemimpinan identik dengan gelar dan jabatan. Gelar dan jabatan memang penting, tetapi bukan yang paling penting. Terpenting adalah pengaruh, visi, dan kemampuan untuk menginspirasi dan membimbing orang lain menuju tujuan bersama. Keberhasilan dan kegagalan sebuah tim atau organisasi sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas pemimpin.  Pemimpin yang baik akan membawa organisasi menuju kejayaan. […]