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4 Working Days vs. 5 Working Days: Effective or Just a Gimmick?

In recent years, the concept of a four-day working week has become increasingly popular. A number of European countries have implemented it. Belgium, to quote kompas.id, is the first European country to have legislation in place to regulate a four-day working week by 2022. This rule applies to all workers, in both the public and private sectors, and is optional.

For those who choose to work four days, as quoted from Euronews, November 21, 2022, they have to work 9.5 hours per day. These working hours are much longer than those who choose to work five days a week, which is 8 hours per day. This work pattern makes the working hours of workers, whether they choose four days or five days, almost the same.

Different rules apply in the UK and Portugal. In both countries, even if they only work four days a week, the length of the working hours does not change, remaining at eight hours a day. Thus, the number of working hours is shorter than in Belgium.

Germany is just starting a four-day work test in early 2024. However, long before the four-day work model was implemented, as quoted from Euronews, February 2, 2024, the average working hours in Germany had reached 34.2 hours per week. This means that the shortening of the working day is unlikely to have a major impact on working hours and productivity in Germany.

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Employee Response

four-day working

This four-day workweek policy has received a lot of support from employees who want flexibility and a balance between life and work. With this policy, employers aim to maintain productivity and ensure employee welfare. A 2022 study by 4 Day Week Global, cited by the World Economic Forum (WEF) on October 25, 2023, confirms that reducing one workday increases productivity, improves employees’ physical and mental health, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

Employees experience fewer conflicts, lower fatigue levels, and fewer household problems. Their total travel time between work and home also decreases, from 3.5 hours per week to less than 2.6 hours per week. The number of people traveling by car has also dropped from 56.5 percent to 52.5 percent.

According to some companies, operational costs such as electricity, water, and the use of other office facilities can be saved by working only four days. Given that the four-day work policy is optional and not mandatory, companies can take advantage of it to recruit the best talent.

Cons of the Four-Day Workweek Policy

Although many people support it, not a few reject the idea of a four-day workweek. It must be admitted that not all industries can enforce it. Examples of industries that find it difficult to implement a four-day workweek are manufacturing, healthcare, and retail. The need for these industries to operate is very high, even non-stop. If a four-day workweek is implemented, there will be a shortage of employees.

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The four-day workweek system for employees is not without risk. To compensate for the reduction in working days (which used to be five days, now it is four days), the company can increase the working hours per day (from 8 hours to 9-10 hours). This means that employers expect employees to maintain the same level of productivity in less time. Instead of becoming more productive and happier, they face a risk of declining productivity and increased fatigue.

Relevance of Implementation in Indonesia

The cultural factor also plays a role in this issue. In developed countries, especially in Europe, the socio-cultural system is more conducive. The average travel time from home to work is 40 minutes. The relatively short travel time means that employees with an 8-hour working day can still do many activities.

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The productivity of Indonesian labour is also relatively low. The International Labour Organization (ILO) ranks Indonesian workers 113th out of 191 countries, with a gross domestic income per hour of only 14 US dollars.

In addition, the work culture in Indonesia is still not effective and efficient. Often arriving late, being casual, slow to act, talking too much, lacking a sense of responsibility, having a hobby of using gadgets and playing social media during working hours make the image of Indonesian employees less than good. With conditions like this, it is difficult to reduce the number of working days and hours in Indonesia.

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Customers are also affected. If a company reduces the number of days it operates, it can create a negative perception from customers. The company can be seen as insensitive to customer needs.

Final Thoughts

Initially, the purpose of the four-day workweek was to improve employee welfare. Is this just a gimmick? The answer is no, because in reality there are companies in several countries that have implemented it. The problem lies in whether or not the policy is effective. Employees are not the only factor.

Remember that employees and companies actually need each other. Companies must care about the welfare of their employees. However, employees must also be productive and able to contribute to the progress of the company. If this principle is fully understood, the number of days and hours worked is no longer a significant issue.

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