
No Degree, No Problem: How Headhunters Screen Talent Based on Skills

In today’s increasingly digital age, the way companies recruit employees are no longer the same as it used to be. In the past, an academic degree seemed to be a ticket to getting your dream job. However, this is no longer the case. Many companies and headhunters focus more on assessing applicants’ skills, experience, and self-image. This does not mean that academic degrees are unimportant. It’s just that academic degrees are no longer the dominant consideration. This phenomenon opens up opportunities for those who do not have academic degrees but have skills relevant to the needs of the company.

Why Degrees Are No Longer the Main Consideration

There are several reasons why degrees are no longer a top consideration for many companies and headhunters. Start-ups, the creative industries, and certain other sectors require practical skills more than academic credentials. For these companies, academic degrees, even from top universities, are meaningless if employees are unable to adapt, think critically, and solve problems.

Another reason is the fact that learning no longer has to be in the classroom. Online learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning are increasingly being used to gain and improve technical skills. The cost is also relatively more affordable than offline classes or schools. The learning time can also be shorter and more flexible.

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Nowadays, more and more companies and headhunters do not require academic degrees for prospective employees to be accepted for work. Examples are Google, Tesla, and Netflix. For these companies, the most important thing is that employees have skills that are relevant to the company’s needs, regardless of whether you are a high school or college graduate.

How do Headhunters Evaluate the Competence of Prospective Employees?


Headhunters have special ways of evaluating the competencies of prospective employees. What are these methods?

1. Based on concrete evidence of the candidate’s skills

For example, a programmer is judged by the extent to which the applications he or she creates contribute to others. For a graphic designer, the extent to which the results are able to attract the attention of others.

2. Reviewing the candidate’s experience

People with more experience usually have skills that are more in line with what the company needs. Headhunters will search for this work experience, whether from LinkedIn, freelance sites, or testimonials from previous clients.

3. Active participation in a community

This adds value for candidates. The candidate’s skills, especially soft skills, will be more refined.

4. Candidate’s personal branding

One aspect that headhunters are paying more and more attention to is the candidate’s personal branding. Personal branding is a way for someone to position themselves in their industry. This can be reflected in the content shared on social media, articles written, or even educational videos made.

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Personal branding is the process of deliberately building and promoting one’s image or reputation, with the aim of creating a positive and consistent perception in the eyes of others. It involves identifying the values, expertise, uniqueness, and messages that one wants to convey to an audience, in both a professional and personal context.

Personal branding sets someone apart from others, builds trust, and opens up new opportunities, such as careers, businesses, or social networks.

5. Test skills directly

Nowadays, many companies and headhunters ask candidates to complete a small project or take a skills test relevant to the job they will be doing later. In this way, companies or headhunters can directly see and assess the candidate’s methods and work results. Not only technical skills but also attitude and behavior at work.

No Need To Be Discouraged

If you don’t have an academic degree, there’s no need to be discouraged. There are several things you can do. Most importantly, focus on skill development. Take various courses and training sessions related to your field and interests. Look for relevant experience through internships, freelance work, or part-time jobs that add value.

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Make optimal use of social media. You can create and share interesting and educational content on social media. This makes you more visible. This way, headhunters will notice and value candidates for having in-depth knowledge in their field. You can write articles on LinkedIn, write books, or even personal blogs on topics in your field to help build credibility.

Nowadays, to find suitable candidates, headhunters make the most of LinkedIn. Therefore, relevant and up-to-date information, such as work experience, completed projects, and recommendations from clients or others, must be presented honestly and professionally.

Most importantly, be a true learner. The world of work never stops changing. What is trending today may become outdated in the future. By being a true learner, candidates are always able to adapt.

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