Soft Skill

Digital Emotional Intelligence:The Main Soft Skills of Today’s Leaders

In the digital era, leaders must have digital emotional intelligence soft skills. What is it? Leaders must be able to understand, manage and express emotions effectively in a digital environment. Digital emotional intelligence combines the principles of traditional emotional intelligence with the challenges and opportunities of the digital world.

Nowadays, leaders not only interact with their team members through face-to-face interactions, but also through various digital platforms such as email, text messaging, video conferencing, and social media. During this time, through face-to-face interactions, it is easier to recognize the emotions of others. We can sense if they are angry, sad, happy or scared. But this is not the case with digital interactions. Sometimes, what is conveyed on digital platforms does not match the actual emotion. A person may say they are not happy on social media. However, the reality can be different. This limitation is actually a challenge for leaders and a soft skill that they must master: Can he recognize emotions and handle conflict?

Why Should A Leader Have Digital Emotional Intelligence Soft Skills?

Most importantly, so that leaders can establish closer relationships in the digital realm. This can be done through adjusting virtual communication techniques and styles.

Next, so that leaders can motivate employees who work remotely. Remote employees often feel isolated. Leaders who are emotionally intelligent and have digital emotional intelligence soft skills are able to provide effective support despite not interacting directly with their team members.

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In written communication, we certainly can’t listen to the tone of voice and see the other person’s emotions. This condition is prone to misunderstanding. Leaders with high digital emotional intelligence are able to choose words wisely, read emotions in text, and empathize when responding to messages.

Technology makes work easier. Time and place are no longer too much of an obstacle. However, because of this convenience, employees, at least feel, are required to stay connected to work. This creates pressure. Leaders who are digitally emotionally intelligent and master digital emotional intelligence soft skills will be able to manage digital well-being, both for themselves and for their teams.

What Should a Leader Have to Be Digitally Intelligent?

There are several aspects that a leader must have in order to master digital emotional intelligence soft skills.

First, digital self-awareness. They must know how to communicate through digital platforms. This includes language style, frequency of communication, and how to manage emotions when interacting through digital platforms. For example, understanding the tone of a text message that may seem angry or detecting concerns and disagreements during a virtual meeting. In addition, leaders should be aware of the impact of their actions on team members.

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Second, the ability to manage emotions, both within oneself and within the team, to maintain productivity and team harmony. A smart leader is able to respond appropriately to any emotions that arise when interacting virtually with the team.

Third, virtual empathy. Empathy is the core of mastering emotional intelligence soft skills, including digital ones. When delivering rapidly through digital platforms, leaders must consider the feelings and perspectives of their team members. In fact, indirect interaction is a challenge in itself.

Fourth, deliver messages clearly. Clear means not creating misunderstandings. The choice of words and use of symbols must be appropriate. The tone of communication must be appropriate.

Fifth, being able to establish relationships with all stakeholders virtually, including customers, shareholders, investors, and so on.

Sixth, understand the ethics of being digital. This includes maintaining privacy, avoiding disinformation, and so on.

Tips for Training Digital Emotional Intelligence Soft Skills

How do you improve digital emotional intelligence? First of all, leaders must practice self-awareness. Evaluate your digital communication style, including how you respond to messages through digital platforms. If necessary, ask for feedback from others.

Next, develop the ability to empathize digitally. Other people’s perspectives need to be considered, not just your own. Therefore, before sending messages, especially nonverbal ones, make sure the message is clear and contains consideration for the feelings of others.

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Technology does make work easier. However, don’t overuse it all the time. There should be limits to its use. For example, don’t send messages outside of working hours. Don’t ignore digital fatigue either. For this one, both leaders and team members can experience it.

As digital interactions become more prevalent, leaders must improve their soft skills in digital communication. This can be achieved through training and experience. This includes practicing using digital communication features appropriately and professionally.

In reality, it is not easy to develop digital emotional intelligence. There are a number of challenges that must be overcome. Facial expressions, voice intonation and body language often cannot be seen and heard at the same time.

Another challenge is the different norms and ethics of each digital platform. These differences need to be understood by leaders. Their style of communication must be adapted.

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