Celebrating Small Wins

Celebrating Small Wins

Celebrating Small Wins. In the stressful world of work, people strive for big successes. If they succeed, they often celebrate. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s even positive. However, there are no big successes without small victories. Unfortunately, these small victories are often forgotten. In fact, these small achievements can be the foundation for the realization of the organization’s long-term goals. In addition, big successes are less frequent.

Small victories are small accomplishments that are obtained during the process of achieving a larger goal. These are small steps that have a positive impact, both directly on the organization and on the individuals or teams involved. In the long run, small victories help organizations build resilience, increase productivity, and create a positive mindset in the face of challenges.

Celebrating Small Wins Benefits

What are the benefits of celebrating small achievements? First, it is an opportunity to create further successes. Indeed, the challenges are certainly not easier. However, employees will be more optimistic about it. For example, a sales team that achieves weekly targets may feel more prepared and motivated to pursue quarterly or annual goals. Second, it fosters a real and constructive attitude. Employees feel valued and rewarded when their efforts, no matter how small, are celebrated. Their morale increases, their loyalty begins to grow, and their fatigue is rewarded. All of this is very valuable in the midst of work pressure that is often overwhelming. Third, the work team is more solid. Each team member is more eager to support each other. As a result, the team is more productive, creative, and innovative. Fourth, it is a manifestation of organizational culture. Celebrating small victories can signal a culture of appreciation, cooperation, innovation, and productivity that lives within the organization.

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It doesn’t have to be expensive

How do you celebrate these small wins? As it turns out, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Most importantly, do it immediately, don’t procrastinate. The goal is to keep the employee, who is in peak condition, motivated. Examples are praise in person, through text messages, and also through meetings attended by many people. It will be more meaningful if the award is given directly by the executive or head of the company. If delayed, the momentum is lost. Employee motivation has already shifted or declined. At Google, employees often receive small rewards such as greeting cards from their managers or shout-outs in team meetings for small achievements that support big projects.

Perhaps, there are employees who don’t like to stand out in public. However, the opposite is also true. The point is, tailor the rewards according to the employee’s character. At LinkedIn, small wins are often shared through internal communication platforms to motivate other employees.

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In order to institutionalize the practice of rewarding small wins, rituals can be created. For example, a “Win of the Week” segment during team meetings or a dedicated wall to display achievements can create a structured way to reward achievements. Atlassian does this. Atlassian is an Australian software company specializing in collaboration tools designed primarily for software development and project management. The Sydney-headquartered company uses digital success boards on their platform to reward teams that complete small milestones. These awards are visible to many people.

When enforcing a remote or hybrid work environment (a mix of offline and online), companies inevitably have to leverage technology. Organizations can hold virtual celebrations that are no less valuable than offline celebrations.

Encourage employees to appreciate each other’s contributions. This will create cohesion. By helping and appreciating each other, team goals will be faster and easier to achieve.

Relate small wins to big organizational goals. This is to ensure goal alignment. Also, employees will feel and understand how their efforts, however small, help achieve the big goals of the Company.

Recognition and praise for small successes is sometimes enough. However, there is nothing wrong with the organization providing a tangible reward. Again, it need not be expensive. Perhaps a small meal will suffice.

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Before going any further, make small victories a momentum to evaluate the organization’s programs and strategies. So, it’s not just failures that need to be evaluated.

Small victories can also be done through charity. This shows gratitude. Ben & Jerry’s, a well-known ice cream and yogurt manufacturer, does this often. The company, headquartered in South Burlington, Vermont, USA, celebrates successful production by donating ice cream to local non-profit organizations.

In moderation

However, small victories should be celebrated in moderation. Remember there are still bigger goals to achieve. Small victories lose their meaning if celebrated too often or too much. Also, don’t just focus on the results. Care about the process as well. This gives employees more freedom to implement their ideas. Also, make sure that small wins are rewarded fairly for each employee.

Celebrating Small Wins

Category: Organization Development & Behavior

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