Turnover Contagion: Responding to the Wave of Resignations that Threatens Team Stability

Turnover Contagion: Responding to the Wave of Resignations that Threatens Team Stability. Employees resigning? That’s nothing new. But it becomes a real problem when what we call turnover contagion starts happening. This can shake an organization’s morale, stability, and productivity. So, what exactly is turnover contagion? It’s when one employee’s decision to quit triggers others […]
Pros and Cons of Experiential Hiring

Pros and Cons of Experiential Hiring. Organizations are constantly looking for the most effective ways to recruit employees. The goal is clear: get the right people who add value to the organization. Apart from credentials and qualifications, organizations also look for actual, not just historical, knowledge and skills of prospective employees. More innovative ways of […]
Leadership Without Position: The Real Impact of Shadow Leadership

Leadership Without Position: The Real Impact of Shadow Leadership. CEO, director, manager, supervisor, team leader. These are the official titles commonly found in organizations. There are also other official titles such as section head, president (not necessarily country level), secretary general, and so on. In essence, each organization has its own structure and official position […]
Glass Cliff: Tantangan Kepemimpinan bagi Wanita dan Minoritas di Tengah Krisis

Glass Cliff: Tantangan Kepemimpinan bagi Wanita dan Minoritas di Tengah Krisis. Istilah glass cliff atau “tebing kaca” makin sering didiskusikan di dunia kerja. Glass cliff adalah kondisi saat perempuan atau seseorang dari kelompok moniritas dipilih untuk berada di tampuk kepemimpinan tatkala organisasi sedamg mengalami krisis atau situasi yang berbahaya. Sekilas, kondisi ini memang terdengar ideal. […]
Bridging the Generation Gap in the Face of the Talent Cliff

Bridging the Generation Gap in the Face of the Talent Cliff. More and more baby boomers are retiring. Generation X is increasingly occupying leadership and managerial positions. Generation Y or millennials are increasingly dominant in the workforce. Generation Z is starting to enter the workforce. Under these conditions, organizations have the potential to experience what […]
Talent Drain: When Stars Leave

Talent Drain: When Stars Leave. Annie was staring at her smartphone screen when an e-mail notification came in. It was an e-mail from Jane, a senior manager who had been with the company for 12 years and was the backbone of the team Annie led. The subject of the e-mail surprised her “Resignation Letter.” Yes, […]
Inspiring Stories of Local Entrepreneurs: Hamzah Sulaiman: The Visionary Behind Raminten’s Uniqueness

Inspiring Stories of Local Entrepreneurs: Hamzah Sulaiman: The Visionary Behind Raminten’s Uniqueness. Yogyakarta is known for its rich culture and culinary products. One of the most popular culinary attractions is Raminten. But do you know what and who Raminten really is? Let’s explore more about Raminten, a unique culinary and cultural phenomenon in Yogyakarta. Quoting […]
Non-linear Career Development: An Alternative

Non-linear Career Development: An Alternative. This is the story of David Michael Solomon, the CEO of Goldman Sachs since 2018. Prior to assuming the role of CEO, Solomon served as president and chief operating officer (CFO) from January 2017 to September 2018, and served as co-head of the investment banking division from July 2006 to […]
Preventing Talent Hoarding: Building Careers or Hindering Growth?

Preventing Talent Hoarding: Building Careers or Hindering Growth? In many organizations, it is common for a manager or a division to keep top talent on the team while preventing them from exploring new opportunities for career development. In other words, the manager or department prevents its team members from moving to other departments or taking […]